Two days ago, Junior Achievement talked to our son Cameron's kindergarten class about thinking of ways they can make money to help others. He came home so excited, telling us he had to make money and he was going to start selling his artwork. He insisted he was going to sell it to his friends who, of course, will pay lots and lots of money for his drawings (hee hee :)
Hold on, back up....... Why does he NEED to make money and what does he want to do with it? He is only 6. He told me he wants to help the kids at the hospital. When his daddy broke his back we went to Primary Children's Hospital (next to the hospital we were at) to go to the cafeteria. He saw the kids there who were sick and drew some pictures for them. He said he wants to give the money he makes from his drawings to them. Is this for real? Our 6 year old wants to give money to other kids instead of buying toys? He insists that he really wants to do it and drew a picture that he wanted to sell out on the street to passersby. He even got really mad at us and started to cry when we told him to wait because we needed to make some phone calls and it would take time. Time is not something well understood by small children. They want it and they want it now.
I did make some phone calls and the hospital said they would be happy to take donations. However, rather than money, we offered to buy washable markers, crayons, coloring books, and drawing pads. We are also going to look into making donations to the homeless shelter and domestic abuse shelter. Cameron is soooo excited and wants to do it now!! I wanted to share this with our family, friends, and crafting acquaintances and get some feedback. I have gone through the mountains of drawings he has done the past couple of months to find some to turn into greeting cards. I am trying to decide on a price to list them at if I sell them online. I have set up a one question survey at:
A set of 6 cards will cost $4.90 to have professionally printed. There will be 6 different images in the set. I forgot to mention on the survey that all proceeds, above the cost of the cards will go towards buying supplies for the kids at the hospital and shelters. I have spoken with Primary Children's and they are excited for the donations and to meet Cameron.
If any of you can help with the survey I will really, really appreciate it. Also, will you please look at the pictures below that we are deciding between for greeting cards. I would love to know your favorite 3. You can respond to this post by clicking the comment link below. You can respond anonymously if you aren't a blogger. Also, if you have voted on, or via email, please don't vote again. You can always leave a comment though :)
Thank you!
29 March 2008 Editing to say that the overall winner with votes from my wonderful Fiskateer friends and friends and family who emailed me was K ~ the tow truck and car. The other pictures with the most votes were C ~ Blue Flatbed truck, A ~ Butterfly and flower, and J ~ School bus with barn. The animals were also popular with D ~ Penguin with baby and N ~ Cat on sidewalk. I will be ordering one set of prints to check the quality of Costco and I am also going to check prices locally. Thank you to everyone who voted. I can't wait to get the cards printed and help Cameron sell them. Please stay tuned for more information.
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